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Savvy CM Hosted
Have it all for as little as $99.00 per month*
Savvy CM Hosted offers all of the features of the award-winning Savvy Content Manager in a monthly hosted model, significantly reducing the up-front cost of adding web content management capabilities to a web site. Imagine being able to quickly update your web site, add pictures and documents, add new pages, with up to 5 users within your organization, all for as little as $99.00 per month, web hosting included.
Savvy CM Hosted - Monthly Billing - $499.00 set-up fee*, $119.00 per month, charged to your credit card
Savvy CM Hosted - Annual Billing - $499.00 set-up fee*, $99.00 per month ($1,188.00), billed in one installment to your credit card.
What's NOT Included:
- Design Services (see our design partners), HTML modifications, custom code, third-party software, FTP access, email services, web statistics. See our FAQ's for more details.
Savvy CM Hosted Introductory Offer
For a limited time, sign up for Savvy CM Hosted and we will waive set-up fees.* As always, we provide a 30-day money-back guarantee.
- Savvy CM Hosted 1-5 user license – hosting included
- Create up to 4 web templates from your existing web site
- Create a Contact Us form from your existing site
- Migrate up to 40 pages of content from your existing site to your new site
- Assist with DNS updates to point to your new site
- Access to our on-line training seminars – unlimited participation
* Set up fees: We will migrate your current web site (3 templates, up to 40 pages, 1 Contact Us form) from your current web provider to Savvy CM Hosted. Sites requiring additional services will be quoted separately. Please contact us for details.
Our 30 day money-back guarantee: We will unconditionally refund all set-up and monthly fees if requested through our web form within 30 days of your initial service request.