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How To Join
Discounts and powerful software are a great combination.
Savvy Content Manager can help developers rapidly develop full content management solutions and sophisticated web sites whether you're new to web application development or a seasoned programming rock star.
Are you new to web application development, but comfortable with HTML? Savvy CM will be all you need to deliver powerful solutions to your clients.
Are you already a Web star and just need a good tool to get the content management basics out of the way? Savvy is just what you need. Savvy CM Professional is extendable with custom code. Customize that savvy solution for your client's specific needs without reinventing the wheel.
Your clients are clamoring for a way to make their web sites real business tools. Use Savvy CM to solve their problems and increase your productivity.
Savvy CM requires no special installation other than ColdFusion, an ODBC datasource and FTP access. Designed to be rapidly deployed you can take your existing site designs and integrate Savvy CM in no time saving thousands of dollars in development time and resources.
We have three different types of partners.
Web Solution Integrators - You will qualify for discounts to our software based on the services you will provide.
Web Hosting Solutions - You will qualify for being on our recommended host list, and possible discounts if you are also an integrator.
Complementary Product Providers - For products that would compliment Savvy CM in some way. We may choose to mutually promote our products as part of a package solution to our customers.
Are you interested in our partner program? Contact us today and let us know what partnership program(s) you would like to pursue.