
The most common time for errors to appear is when creating and testing new templates. If you encounter an error, please check your includes.cfm file in the actionfiles folder. Make sure it follows the instructions listed at the beginning of this document.  

Does your includes.cfm file exist in the actionfiles folder?  

Have you copied over your savvylicense.cfm file supplied by Savvy?

Is your file path correct and include the / at the end of it?

Is your web URL correct including the sub-folder that Savvy is installed in (if you installed in a sub-folder)?

Are you using the correct datasource name?  Is that a datasource that is recognized and working in the ColdFusion administrator?

Does the basictemplate.cfm work, but not other templates?

Do you have a header object at or near the top of your template (between the Title tags)?

Do you have at least one Savvy Content Object and does it match the samples in the Template Guide?

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