Header Objects

Required Each template must have one header object. It replaces the title, meta tags, and style sheet tags. Starting at the top of your file replace the title tag and style sheet include code of your page with the following module:


<cfmodule template="../actionfiles/createheader.cfm" Title="TitleObjectName" UniqueObject="no" basetemplate_name="#url.basetemplate_name#" page_ID="#url.Page_ID#" stylesheet="style.css" stylesheetcalendar="stylecalendar.css">

NOTE: There are only two parts to the cfmodule line of code you should modify for your install. The title should be unique for each page. And contain no spaces. The style sheet parameters should contain the name of your style sheet you are using for that template of your web site. One is for display of all information other than the calendar. The other should only contain the calendar specific style information. We provide samples in the primary template folder for each. Remember to put the style sheets in the primary template files folder.  All other parameters should be left as is.