Add and format text

After creating the layout for the MX Kollection 3 presentation page, it is now time to add text to it. Remember that the page you are trying to build is the one here.

After viewing the display page in browser, with the layout you added earlier, use the Edit content link to go back to the edit page and add text this time. Click the Show/Hide Invisible Elements button to be able to see the table borders.

You'll consider again the five sections mentioned previously:

  1. Introduction

  2. Benefits

  3. Notable features

  4. Flash movies

  5. See also

Add text in the Introduction section

To add text in the Introduction section, follow the instructions below.


Text for the Introduction section:


MX Kollection 3 is a bundle of our most popular MX extensions that will change the way you build dynamic websites with Dreamweaver. If you are a ColdFusion, ASP VB or PHP developer you will find that our product will enable you to develop e-Commerce, CMS, CRM, back-end and other web-based solutions with increased efficiency, quality and capability. Our customers think of it as the next level in Dreamweaver MX visual software development.

Included: MX File Upload | MX Form Validation | MX User Login | MX Send E-mail | NeXTensio | MX Query Builder | MX Looper | MX Widgets | MX Includes

Supported server technologies: ColdFusion, ASP VBScript, PHP_MySQL and PHP_ADODB


Add text in the Benefits section

To add text in the Benefits section, follow the next instructions:

  1. Change the title of this section from "Benefits section title" to "Benefits: What does MX Kollection do for me?": copy the new title in the clipboard, select the old one, and then press Ctrl+V to change it (or simply delete the old title and type the new one).

  2. In the first column of the table, copy and paste the paragraphs below, between the dotted lines.

  3. As you can see, there are nine paragraphs. After the 1st, 3rd, 5th, and 7th paragraphs, press Shift+Enter, followed by Delete. This will stick consecutive paragraphs, two by two. So now you'll have 5 paragraphs.

  4. Select the first four paragraphs and include them in a bulleted list, as shown in the image below:


  5. Make the text on the fifth paragraph ('See more benefits') display as bold (as shown above).

  6. In the second column of the table, create a new paragraph (you will insert a flash movie in the first paragraph later on). Type "Features | Screenshots" in the second paragraph (make sure the font is Verdana and the size is 2 - check this in the corresponding drop-down menus from the toolbar).

  7. Select the "Features | Screenshots" text and align it to the right, as shown below:


  8. Check if the font of the added text is Verdana and if the size is 2 (look in the corresponding drop-down menus from the toolbar). If not, you know how to change it. Press the Save button (below the KTML textarea) to save the changes and view the page. Then click the Edit content link to go back to editing, and do not forget to click the Show/Hide Invisible Elements button.


Text for the Benefits section:


Database web applications

Essential Dreamweaver extensions for dynamic web applications

User Authentication

Best dynamic development bundle on the market

HTML Forms

Create all the forms your site needs

Get accurate information from your site visitors

Offer complete freedom to your site visitors by gathering information the right way

See more benefits


Add text in the Notable features section

To add text in the Notable features section, follow the next instructions:

  1. Change the title of this section from "Features section title" to "Notable Features" (proceed like in the previous section).

  2. Copy and paste the six text sections below (between the dotted lines) in the six cells of the table (start with the first column, then the second one). Do not copy the 1-6 numbering also.
    You will notice how the first column's width changes once you paste text in its cells, but by the time you are done with the second column as well, the width of the columns will find its 'balance'.

  3. In each of the six table cells, unite the two paragraphs by positioning the cursor at the beginning of the second paragraph, and then pressing Backspace, followed by Shift+Enter.

  4. Replace the "See all" text at the end of the section with "See all features". It will become a link later on.

  5. Check if the font of the added text is Verdana and if the size is 2 (look in the corresponding drop-down menus from the toolbar). If not, you know how to change it. Press the Save button (below the KTML textarea) to save the changes and view the page. Then click the Edit content link to go back to editing, and do not forget to click the Show/Hide Invisible Elements button.


Text for the Notable features section:


1. Build enjoyable (rich) web applications (RIA)

and increase your web application usability

2. Upload and resize images

Upload and resize images

3. Send e-mail to multiple recipients

Multiple e-mail messages sent once

4. Maximum usability when handling validation errors

Painless form validation - designed for ease of use

5. Many 2 Many Wizard

Integrate many to many relations in your site

6. CSS Skin Selector

Change the skin used in your site


Add text in the Flash movies section

To add text in the Flash movies section, follow the next instructions:

  1. Change the title of this section from "Flash section title" to "Featured Flash movies" (proceed like in the 'benefits' section).

  2. Copy and paste the three text sections below (between the dotted lines) in the three cells of the second table row. If you followed each step in the layout topic, the text should be displayed centered and on top of the cell.

  3. Replace the "See all" text at the end of the section with "See all Flash movies". It will become a link later on.

  4. Check if the font of the added text is Verdana and if the size is 2 (look in the corresponding drop-down menus from the toolbar). If not, you know how to change it. Press the Save button (below the KTML textarea) to save the changes and view the page. Then click the Edit content link to go back to editing, and do not forget to click the Show/Hide Invisible Elements button.


Text for the Flash movies section:


Form Validation in a browser

Usable form validation

Image Upload & Display


Add text in the See also section

To add text in the See also section, follow the next instructions:

  1. Change the title of this section from "See also section title" to "See Also" (proceed like in the 'benefits' section).

  2. Copy and paste the four text sections below (between the dotted lines) in the two cells of the second table column (first two paragraphs in the first cell, next two in the second cell). Make sure the font of the pasted text is Verdana and the size is 2.
    Do not worry about the columns width looking messed up right now.

  3. Select the "KTML" and "MX Kart" texts and make them display as Heading 3 (from the Format drop-down menu choose the Heading 3 option).

  4. Press the Save button (below the KTML textarea) to save the changes and view the page.


Text for the See also section:



KTML3 is a browser-based WYSIWYG HTML editor that allows easy content formatting using its advanced table and image manipulation features based on the live property inspector.

MX Kart

Implement advanced shopping cart features in your dynamic site with MX Kart, a Dreamweaver extension that allows you to add products to a virtual shopping cart with ease. MX Kart offers a tightly integrated Dreamweaver recordset to list the cart entries.



After following all the steps above, the KTML area in the edit page should look like below (when showing the invisible elements, namely the table borders):


After adding text and saving the changes, the display page looks as follows: