Insert list/menu

In order to insert a list/menu item inside a form in page (or even independent from the form) click the List/Menu button from the toolbar:


Note: If the cursor is not placed inside a form (inside the red dotted border) a dialog box will be displayed asking whether to add the form as well.

With a list you can make multiple selections, while with a menu you can only select one option. Set advanced list/menu options by using the List/Menu Properties panel.

List/Menu Properties

The List/Menu Properties panel is displayed when you select (click on) a list/menu item inserted in your page. It corresponds to the <SELECT> tag in the Tag Selector:


To configure this panel, follow the instructions below:

  1. In the Element ID text box enter the value for the id attribute. It will uniquely identify the element (list/menu) in page.

  2. With the Type radio group decide if you want the list/menu item to be displayed as a:

  3. The Height text box is only enabled if the form item type is list. Enter the number of elements that you want the list to display (how many rows it should have).

  4. The Allow multiple selections checkbox is only enabled if the element type is list. Check it if you want multiple selections (of the list elements) to be possible.

  5. By clicking the List Values button, a dialog box pops-up and allows you to add/edit elements (labels and values) in the list/menu control:

    The List Values window presents the following controls: